Minggu, 18 Januari 2009

Mathematical Physics Institute at Indonesia University of Education

Mathematical Physics Institute at Indonesia University of Education
MPI at UPI Bandung

Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Matematika Fisika untuk Pendidikan

Web ini Kami Persembahkan untuk Ibunda Dra. Roswati Mudjiarto, M.Pd.
atas pengabdiannya terhadap dunia Pendidikan di Indonesia

"Selamat Milad Bunda Kami Semua"

Visi MPI at UPI

"Memasyarakatkan Matematika Fisika dalam dunia Pendidikan"

Bringing Mathematical Physics for Better Future

Fisika matematis adalah cabang ilmu yang mempelajari "penerapan matematika untuk menyelesaikan persoalan fisika dan pengembangan metode matematis yang cocok untuk penerapan tersebut, serta formulasi teori fisika". Ilmu ini dapat dianggap sebagai penunjang fisika teoritis dan fisika komputasi.

Pranala luar

Mathematical Physics Equations

  1. anisotropic diffusion equation
  2. anisotropic heat equation
  3. biharmonic equation, homogeneous
  4. biharmonic equation, nonhomogeneous
  5. boundary layer equation
  6. boundary layer equation, with pressure gradient
  7. Boussinesq equation
  8. Burgers equation
  9. diffusion equation
  10. diffusion equation, linear nonhomogeneous
  11. diffusion equation, linear with axial symmetry
  12. diffusion equation, linear with central symmetry
  13. diffusion equation, nonlinear
  14. diffusion equation, nonlinear, anisotropic
  15. diffusion equation, nonlinear general
  16. diffusion equation, nonlinear general, with volume reaction
  17. diffusion equation, stationary with a nonlinear source
  18. diffusion equation for inhomogeneous anisotropic media with volume reaction (i)
  19. diffusion equation for inhomogeneous anisotropic media with volume reaction (ii)
  20. diffusion equation for inhomogeneous anisotropic media with volume reaction (iii)
  21. diffusion equations, linear
  22. equation of motion of viscous fluid
  23. equation of steady transonic gas flow
  24. equation of transverse vibration of elastic rods
  25. equation of vibration of a gas with central symmetry
  26. elliptic equations, linear
  27. elliptic equations, nonlinear
  28. Fisher equation
  29. FitzHugh-Nagumo equation
  30. heat equation, linear homogeneous
  31. heat equation, linear nonhomogeneous
  32. heat equation, linear with axial symmetry
  33. heat equation, linear with central symmetry
  34. heat equation, nonlinear, anisotropic
  35. heat equation, nonlinear general
  36. heat equation, nonlinear general, with a source
  37. heat equation, stationary with a nonlinear source
  38. heat equation for inhomogeneous anisotropic media with a source (i)
  39. heat equation for inhomogeneous anisotropic media with a source (ii)
  40. heat equation for inhomogeneous anisotropic media with a source (iii)
  41. heat equation with a power-law nonlinearity
  42. heat equation with a exponential nonlinearity
  43. heat equations, linear
  44. Helmholtz equation
  45. hydrodynamic boundary layer equation
  46. hydrodynamic boundary layer equation, with pressure gradient
  47. hyperbolic equations, linear
  48. hyperbolic equations, nonlinear
  49. Khokhlov-Zabolotskaya equation
  50. Klein-Gordon equation
  51. Klein-Gordon equation, linear homogeneous
  52. Klein-Gordon equation, linear nonhomogeneous
  53. Klein-Gordon equation, nonlinear
  54. Korteweg-de Vries equation
  55. Korteweg-de Vries equation, cylindrical
  56. Korteweg-de Vries equation, generalized
  57. Korteweg-de Vries equation, modified
  58. Laplace equation
  59. mathematical biology systems
  60. mathematical physics equations, first order
  61. mathematical physics equations, education
  62. mathematical physics equations, linear
  63. mathematical physics equations, methods
  64. mathematical physics equations, nonlinear
  65. mathematical physics equations, systems
  66. Monge-Ampere equation (Monge-Ampère equation), homogeneous
  67. Monge-Ampere equation (Monge-Ampère equation), nonhomogeneous (i)
  68. Monge-Ampere equation (Monge-Ampère equation), nonhomogeneous (ii)
  69. Newell-Whitehead equation
  70. Navier-Stokes equations
  71. nonlinear systems of two elliptic equations
  72. nonlinear systems of two hyperbolic equations
  73. nonlinear systems of two parabolic equations
  74. parabolic equations, linear
  75. parabolic equations, nonlinear
  76. Poisson equation
  77. reaction-diffusion systems, nonlinear
  78. Schrodinger equation (Schrödinger equation), linear
  79. Schrodinger equation (Schrödinger equation) with a cubic nonlinearity
  80. Schrodinger equation (Schrödinger equation) with a power-law nonlinearity
  81. Schrodinger equation (Schrödinger equation), nonlinear of a general form
  82. sine-Gordon equation
  83. sinh-Gordon equation
  84. stationary heat equation with a nonlinear source
  85. systems of general form, linear and nonlinear
  86. telegraph equation
  87. Tricomi equation
  88. wave equation, linear homogeneous
  89. wave equation, linear nonhomogeneous
  90. wave equation, linear with axial symmetry
  91. wave equation, nonlinear (encountered in gas dynamics)
  92. wave equations, linear
  93. wave equations, nonlinear


General directories where mathematical software resources can be found

See also:

Sabtu, 17 Januari 2009

International Association of Mathematical Physics

add & Edited
Arip Nurahman
Department of Physics
Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics, Indonesia University of Education


Follower Open Course Ware at Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Cambridge, USA
Department of Physics
Aeronautics and Astronautics Engineering

IAMP information

Executive committee:

Current Officers of the Association:

Other Executive Committee members:

Other sites of interest (These links are for information purposes only)

  • Journals

AJMAsian Journal
of Mathematics

ATMPAdvances in Theoretical
and Mathematical Physics

CAGCommunications in
Analysis and Geometry

CIS Communications in
Information and Systems

CMS Communications in
Mathematical Sciences

CNTPCommunications in
Number Theory and Physics

DPDE Dynamics of
Partial Differential Equations

HHAHomology, Homotopy and Applications

JOC Journal of Combinatorics

JDGJournal of
Differential Geometry

JSG Journal of
Symplectic Geometry

MRLMathematical Research Letters

MAAMethods and Applications
of Analysis

PAMQPure and Applied
Mathematics Quarterly

SIIStatistics and Its Interface

Jumat, 16 Januari 2009

Himpunan Pencinta MatematikaFisika (Physcismath) Daerah Sunda

Himpunan Pencinta MatematikaFisika (Physcismath) Daerah Sunda


Arip Nurahman

Pendidikan Fisika FPMIPA. Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
Follower Open Course Ware at MIT-Harvard University, Cambridge. USA.