Selasa, 05 April 2011

Soal Fisika UN

Soal Fisika UN

Fisika : – Soal Latihan Fisika Paket 1
- Pembahasan Soal Latihan Fisika Paket 1

Some fundamental 'general concepts' among the most sought after topics for tutoring Physics are Physical observation, quantity, experiment, theory, unit, state and system and the force of Gravity and some 'theoretical concepts' are Particle, Physical field, Wave, Physical constant, Physical law, Physical interaction and Mass energy equivalence. Professional teachers and professors also give out tuitions at home or tutorials. To get a grip of Physics, one of the most profound primitive institutions of academics, you can opt for tutors from the best teachers you know, or even get through with suitable tutors online.

Physics is much about the nature of things in this realm we live. Perhaps, you have heard of Murphy's Law, well there is a good amount of reality behind complex systems, mathematically speaking, they more things you have running the more chances of one of them breaking. To help illustrate these points and other topics which intersect this concept; I'd like to recommend this book;

"At Home in the Universe - the search for the laws of self-organization and complexity" by Stuart Kauffman. 1995 If you are looking for a book that takes all the observations, natural laws and known science and then poses the question and looks for the ultimate answers in complexity, chaos and natural self-organization from atoms and molecules to complex bio-systems and planetary systems. The author makes some great points in the book and takes the reader into deep thought.

Work, Energy, and Power - Chapter Outline

Lesson 1: Basic Terminology and Concepts

  1. Work
    1. Definition and Mathematics of Work
    2. Calculating the Amount of Work Done by Forces
  2. Potential Energy
  3. Kinetic Energy
  4. Mechanical Energy
  5. Power

Lesson 2: The Work-Energy Theorem

  1. Internal vs. External Forces
  2. The Work-Energy Connection
    1. Analysis of Situations Involving External Forces
    2. Analysis of Situations in Which Mechanical Energy is Conserved
    3. Application and Practice Questions
  3. Bar Chart Illustrations


The Classroom Physics