MPI at UPI Bandung
atas pengabdiannya terhadap dunia Pendidikan di Indonesia
"Selamat Milad Bunda Kami Semua"
Visi MPI at UPI
"Memasyarakatkan Matematika Fisika dalam dunia Pendidikan"
Bringing Mathematical Physics for Better Future

Fisika matematis adalah cabang ilmu yang mempelajari "penerapan matematika untuk menyelesaikan persoalan fisika dan pengembangan metode matematis yang cocok untuk penerapan tersebut, serta formulasi teori fisika". Ilmu ini dapat dianggap sebagai penunjang fisika teoritis dan fisika komputasi.
Pranala luar
- (en) Communications in Mathematical Physics
- (en) Journal of Mathematical Physics
- (en) Mathematical Physics Electronic Journal
- (en) International Association of Mathematical Physics
- (en) Erwin Schrödinger International Institute for Mathematical Physics
- (en) Linear Mathematical Physics Equations: Exact Solutions - from EqWorld
- (en) Mathematical Physics Equations: Index - from EqWorld
- (en) Nonlinear Mathematical Physics Equations: Exact Solutions - from EqWorld
- (en) Nonlinear Mathematical Physics Equations: Methods - from EqWorld
Mathematical Physics Equations
- anisotropic diffusion equation
- anisotropic heat equation
- biharmonic equation, homogeneous
- biharmonic equation, nonhomogeneous
- boundary layer equation
- boundary layer equation, with pressure gradient
- Boussinesq equation
- Burgers equation
- diffusion equation
- diffusion equation, linear nonhomogeneous
- diffusion equation, linear with axial symmetry
- diffusion equation, linear with central symmetry
- diffusion equation, nonlinear
- diffusion equation, nonlinear, anisotropic
- diffusion equation, nonlinear general
- diffusion equation, nonlinear general, with volume reaction
- diffusion equation, stationary with a nonlinear source
- diffusion equation for inhomogeneous anisotropic media with volume reaction (i)
- diffusion equation for inhomogeneous anisotropic media with volume reaction (ii)
- diffusion equation for inhomogeneous anisotropic media with volume reaction (iii)
- diffusion equations, linear
- equation of motion of viscous fluid
- equation of steady transonic gas flow
- equation of transverse vibration of elastic rods
- equation of vibration of a gas with central symmetry
- elliptic equations, linear
- elliptic equations, nonlinear
- Fisher equation
- FitzHugh-Nagumo equation
- heat equation, linear homogeneous
- heat equation, linear nonhomogeneous
- heat equation, linear with axial symmetry
- heat equation, linear with central symmetry
- heat equation, nonlinear, anisotropic
- heat equation, nonlinear general
- heat equation, nonlinear general, with a source
- heat equation, stationary with a nonlinear source
- heat equation for inhomogeneous anisotropic media with a source (i)
- heat equation for inhomogeneous anisotropic media with a source (ii)
- heat equation for inhomogeneous anisotropic media with a source (iii)
- heat equation with a power-law nonlinearity
- heat equation with a exponential nonlinearity
- heat equations, linear
- Helmholtz equation
- hydrodynamic boundary layer equation
- hydrodynamic boundary layer equation, with pressure gradient
- hyperbolic equations, linear
- hyperbolic equations, nonlinear
- Khokhlov-Zabolotskaya equation
- Klein-Gordon equation
- Klein-Gordon equation, linear homogeneous
- Klein-Gordon equation, linear nonhomogeneous
- Klein-Gordon equation, nonlinear
- Korteweg-de Vries equation
- Korteweg-de Vries equation, cylindrical
- Korteweg-de Vries equation, generalized
- Korteweg-de Vries equation, modified
- Laplace equation
- mathematical biology systems
- mathematical physics equations, first order
- mathematical physics equations, education
- mathematical physics equations, linear
- mathematical physics equations, methods
- mathematical physics equations, nonlinear
- mathematical physics equations, systems
- Monge-Ampere equation (Monge-Ampère equation), homogeneous
- Monge-Ampere equation (Monge-Ampère equation), nonhomogeneous (i)
- Monge-Ampere equation (Monge-Ampère equation), nonhomogeneous (ii)
- Newell-Whitehead equation
- Navier-Stokes equations
- nonlinear systems of two elliptic equations
- nonlinear systems of two hyperbolic equations
- nonlinear systems of two parabolic equations
- parabolic equations, linear
- parabolic equations, nonlinear
- Poisson equation
- reaction-diffusion systems, nonlinear
- Schrodinger equation (Schrödinger equation), linear
- Schrodinger equation (Schrödinger equation) with a cubic nonlinearity
- Schrodinger equation (Schrödinger equation) with a power-law nonlinearity
- Schrodinger equation (Schrödinger equation), nonlinear of a general form
- sine-Gordon equation
- sinh-Gordon equation
- stationary heat equation with a nonlinear source
- systems of general form, linear and nonlinear
- telegraph equation
- Tricomi equation
- wave equation, linear homogeneous
- wave equation, linear nonhomogeneous
- wave equation, linear with axial symmetry
- wave equation, nonlinear (encountered in gas dynamics)
- wave equations, linear
- wave equations, nonlinear

- Mathematica: A powerful symbolic computation system by Wolfram Research
- Maple: An alternative symbolic computation system by Waterloo Maple, Inc.
- Maple applications
- Solution of ordinary differential equations: 35 Maple lessons for undergraduate students by Prof. Douglas Meade of the University of South Carolina
- Solution of partial differential equations: 40 Maple lessons by Prof. Jim Herod, Ret.
- Books on solution of differential equations with Maple
- MATLAB: A popular system for numerical solution of differential equations and data visualization by The MathWorks, Inc.
- The DOE ACTS Collection: The Advanced CompuTational Software (ACTS) Collection is a set of software tools for computation sciences.
- List of Computer Algebra Systems, from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
- The REDUCE Computer Algebra System
- Maxima, a free version of the computer algebra system Macsyma for the manipulation of symbolic and numerical expressions, including differentiation, integration, Taylor series, Laplace transforms, ordinary differential equations, and others.
- MathCad, a Computer Algebra System
- CONVODE: A package for analytic solution of differential equations. Can be used to obtain solutions via e-mail.
- VODE_F90 Ordinary Differential Equation Solver: The source code and other downloadable materials.
- Guide to Available Mathematical Software (GAMS): A cross-index and virtual repository of mathematical and statistical software components of use in computational science and engineering
- Dictionary of Algorithms and Data Structures (NIST): The dictionary of algorithms, algorithmic techniques, data structures, archetypical problems, and related definitions
- FOLDOC - Computing Dictionary: The free on-line dictionary of computing is a searchable dictionary of terms from computing and related fields
- Numerical Solutions: A library of mathematical programs
- Stat/Math Center: Numerical Computing Resources on the Internet
- Netlib: A collection of mathematical software, papers, and databases
- Fortran Library, Free Software/Patches
- DESSolver v1.7: Java-Applet: Ordinary Differential Equation System Solver
- Math Forum, Software for Differential Equations
- Software - Differential Equations: General ressources and methods for ODEs and PDEs
- Scientific Computing World: Software reviews (Partial Differential Equations)
- Mathcom: Partial Differential Equations and Finite Element Modeling
- MGNet: Free Software
- CFD codes list: Free Software
- Computer Handbook of ODEs: An on-line Computer-Handbook of methods for solving Ordinary Differential Equations
- UW-L Math Calculator, Calculus, Differential Equations, Numerical Methods, Statistics, and Others
- mor4ansys: A model order reduction for ANSYS to speed up transient and harmonic simulation for a system of ODEs obtained by the finite element method
- Phaser Scientific Software: A Universal Simulator For Dynamical Systems
General directories where mathematical software resources can be found
- Google: Software
- Yahoo: Software
- FSF/UNESCO Free Software Directory
- Wikipedia: List of Open Source Software Packages
See also:
- Wolfram Functions Site, more than 87,000 formulas used by physicists, mathematicians, computer scientists, and engineers; the compilation from Wolfram Research maker of the software package Mathematica, also features more than 10,000 graphs and animations of the functions.
- Statistics Online Computational Resources: interactive distributions, statistical analysis, virtual probability-related experiments and demonstrations, computer games, and others.
- The R Project for Statistical Computing, a free statistics program from nonlinear modeling to time-series analysis and include many graphing options.
- Computer History Museum: The world's largest and most significant history museum for preserving and presenting the computing revolution and its impact on the human experience.
- The Virtual Museum of Computing (VMoC): an eclectic collection of World Wide Web hyperlinks connected with the history of computing and on-line computer-based exhibits available both locally and around the world
- EEVL: Internet Guide to Engineering, Mathematics and Computing, cross-search 20 databases in engineering, maths and computing.
- Wavelet Tutorial, the tutorial explains how wavelet analysis works and delineates its advantage--superior resolution--over other methods of signal analysis, such as the Fourier transform.
- TOP500: Supercomputer sites
- The ACM Portal: the Association for Computing Machinery
- Scilab: A Free Scientific Software Package
- The deal.II: Finite Element Differential Equations Analysis Library
- CFD Resources Online: Software, Modeling and Numerics, etc.
- Software: Fluid Dynamics, General Numerical Software and Others
- Free Statistical Software
- Free Software: download free software packages for Scientific-Engineering Purposes
- Ordinary Differential Equations - Finite Series Solutions
- Centre for Experimental and Constructive Mathematics: Pi and other constants